
Love Game

Today, I went to the basketball court.
While watching the boys playing,
my mind started analysing.

A basketball game is just like being in a relationship.
You can either take it seriously,
or just equipping yourself 'fancily' to show off.

In the game, there will always be some people
who are trying to block you,
or snatch your ball from you.
Those are the obstacles that you have to face.
If you're not careful,
you may hurt others or even yourself.

When there's a chance to score,
don't be afraid, SEIZE IT!
If there isn't any chance,
while you still choose not to let go of the ball,
you'll never gonna score.

But, in the end,
no matter you won or lost,
your hard work did pay off,
you had a good game,
also a good lesson learned.

Thanks, Boys! :)


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